About this site

Thank-you for visiting this site. It is our hope to send you away inspired and armed with truth, and with nuggets of information to strengthen your natural immune system and be your own doctor. The hard times we are in now will be the good days.

It began with our own health issues getting out of hand at an age I deemed too young for "this". You don't feel well, you run to the medical doctors right? The truth is most of us have been so far removed from NATURE and the natural law of things, we have never known what it is to let our bodies heal the way we were created to. Unlike no other time in history we must continually work hard to detox from heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, EMF's, not to mention many other daily toxic exposures. Now after 15 years of being self taught, trial and error and a decade of formal education, It is our goal to help educate others with a basic foundation on how to "fire up" that innate immune system and provide some sources to help you fight your own battles..

FUN FACT: The term "Doctor" means teacher. It stems from a latin word meaning "to teach". It wasnt until the 1400's that it was applied to a "Licensed" medical practitioner and not used regularly until 1600's. The Original term for "doctor" was called " Leech" now archaic.

I do not use AI, I actually do it all myself, so mistakes are a real human being identity.

Disclaimer: I am not a Licensed Medical Physician and I am not prescribing anything. This is an informational site only. I am a teacher.

person standing in front of mountain landscape photography
person standing in front of mountain landscape photography

The truth will set you free


The largest global repository website available on the truth about the release and dispersion of heavy metals via weather modification operations for over 75 years. This is the forefront of our battles to expose. What is up must come down! Heavy metal toxicity is killing all life support systems.


Why Facing truth head on matters

No matter what topic is at hand facing the truth without preconception or ones own bias will determine the outcome in anything. Just because its " the way it always has been" doesn't make it fact. From Religion, Bible, Health to Government to environment whatever it is, we must objectively and critically look at issues with a clear lens. Our health is being severely compromised like never before but why? The hallmark of a healthy mind is facing the TRUTH head-on.

KJV Galations 4:16 Am I therefore your enemy because I tell you the truth?

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